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Healthcare News

  • Over half of people with multiple long-term conditions experience chronic pain

    People with multimorbidity—two or more long-term health conditions—showed a greater association with chronic pain, according to a new study.

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  • Sitting at your desk doesn`t have to be a pain in the neck

    Working at a desk is a common cause of back and neck pain, often because you accommodate your workstation rather than the other way around.

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  • The promise of regenerative medicine to treat chronic pain

    The use of regenerative medicine to lessen chronic pain holds enormous potential, and the body of evidence to support the practice is growing

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  • Pain Management in Arthritis

    Many people assume there's a one-to-one relationship between arthritis and pain, meaning if damage to the joints is severe, so is the pain. The truth is more complicated. Many different things can affect pain, from your mood to your diet to your sleep habits. Here's a look at different ways to control arthritis pain. Some are obvious; some are surprising. All can help you cope with your condition and get on with your life.

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  • Lower back pain

    Although problems can arise anywhere in the spine, the lower back is Pain Central. Low back pain is a major cause of disability and missed workdays. It's also among the most frequent complaints that send people to the doctor.

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